Nancy Tootsie lost her bootsies,
Somewhere in the woods,
She lost her mittens there one time,
And many other goods.
Archives for October 2015
Disco Bobby
Disco Bobby
Had a hobby:
Danced in every hotel lobby.
Periwinkle Poopsy
Periwinkle Poopsy,
Loves to ouch and oopsy;
She does so when she burns her lips
Drinking chicken soupsy.
The Rangles and the Wangles
The Rangles and the Wangles,
How they fought for Granny’s bangles,
Grandpa socked them in the face
For they brought about disgrace.
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
The clouds of tomorrow
Float on the winds of today
To rain on the thirsty hills
Of yesterday.
We see with open eyes
The mess our hands devise.
We close our eyes to see
What we would like the world to be.
See before you see
This older post seems relevant during these days of Aashoorah marking the liberation of the Children of Israel from the oppression of a tyrant king.
Like words that must be spoken,
Forces, awoken,
Hearts and wind, broken,
A joke, however dry,
Must make mindfall.
There are times when
the intellect must be unsheathed
And times when
its gem-studded scabbard suffices
to slay the darkness.
Autumn and winter:
Annual reminders of death,
Parting a life of summertime toil
From a Life of springtime recreation.