Know when you offer
Your service and love
That all you intended
And all that you do
Begins in a place
Beyond time and space
From One who is watching
In all of His Grace
To see if you attribute
All that you do
To where it begins
Or the idol that’s you.
Archives for October 2018
Not in Control
October flurries reminding us
we’re not in control
of anything
at all
Words of tots like leaves of trees
Full of color when they fall
Listen, Again
If you think the obvious
May have been stated
Look into why it
Was articulated
But if you detest
To be in the quest
You may have embarked
On a journey ill-fated
Consider now that covenant primordial
From every soul endowed prophetic sight;
They witnessed it as one submission cordial
To flush a heart, and fill a cave, with Light.
A sign
That everything goes
With the highs
And the lows
Till it dies
On the shores
Of time