Lord let me not fall into the abyss
Of self-aggrandizing ignorances
Archives for May 2021
My hands, they do my bidding
And my tongue says what I will
But the day will come
When my hands and tongue
Will have me standing still
Oh that shame of standing trial
Will it be too late to pray
Allah spare me please
Allah grant me ease
Let Your Rahmah save the day
Your Habīb is my guide
Your Nūr lights his way
That I may abide
Nūr upon nūr
Let me not win destruction
By straying from the path
Let me not dress my blessing wounds
With medicated wrath
The spread of all the heavens or
The smallest leaf on earth
Are one in magnitude before
Your Might
So how can all the little things
I’ve done and soon forgotten
Escape the deep attention of
Your Sight
Remind me of them Ya Allah
That I may then repent
Or let Your Grace deliver me
This night
Too long have they been cushioned by
The hearts they’ve trampled on
How will these feet survive
The razor bridge
My hands are free
Reach out for me
Wa yassirlī
Allow me Lord to find the Night In which my hopes and fears dissolve Into the highest frequency Of Nūr infused with iron resolve