You know all that garbage you spew There’s a reason it came to be And if you had paid attention then you Would undoubtedly come to see: You alone are the greatest sign That you have a long way to go Sit down in the dust poor khalid a while It’s purer than you’ll ever know
Beware the currents of doubt And the undertow of kufr Sometimes it's not enough That you can swim
Somewhere Deep
Put that secret in a chest Lock it up and toss the key Somewhere deep is always best Choose your well or find your sea That’s the key, now to the chest Bury it with naught below it Somewhere deep inside your breast Where heart won’t suffer brain to know it
Show Yourself
Hope is in His Nūr Hope is in His Name Hope is looking for the ones Who’ll play its hopeful game It’s not that you lose hope It’s you that must be found For Nūr seeks out and floods each soul That to His Name is bound So say His Name my khalid And show yourself my dear
Mendicant, See
Repentance is to see Through well-abluted eyes: Rebellion is blindness How blessed then to be A mendicant who cries In awe of such a kindness
Good Hosting
Give every fir’awn in you A sea to drown within you
Firm As A Rock
You float up the nile An infant delight Get raised as a prince And then comes the flight A fugitive off In a desolate land Till comes the nubuwwah With blood on the sand The tyrant won’t listen The signs are not heeded And time is against you But you do what’s needed You lead them away Down into the sea The hordes of the tyrant Won’t let you go free But you’ve got your faith As firm as a rock Bismillah the sea Gives way to your flock ‘Alaykum Salaam
The peace that we long for And the hope that we seek Lies in those who prefer silence When the ignorant speak
In Focus
If everything is from Him How can you ever think He turns away from you After sending you a trial Soldier on never doubting His attention is upon you while You struggle under loads All meticulously chosen To break you up To take you up For that chalice filled To wake you up
All creatures in existence Of every size and hue Amid the deeps and shallows Of brown and green and blue Each has its solemn tasbeeh To keep it true and through And you have yours my khalid If only you’d let you