I may not like all that you do
In fact, may even hate it too
But I’m glad to pass the salt
If you still want it
On Knowledge
Sometimes it’s like an onion
The more you peel the less you have
Just chop it up that’s best
Sometimes a pomegranate
You cut it open to get to the seeds
And throw away the rest
And sometimes like a mango
Just take it in both hands
To squeeze and slurp and swallow
Until nothing can be done
But get another one
The world is a minefield
Unto your soul
So watch where you step
And mind how you roll
Slow Down
You’d been thinking quite a lot
Now you’re positive you got it
But your brain cells pawned a trinket
And you sadly went and bought it
See with thinking you can’t focus
On the payoff or the hours
It’s a passage through a forest
You should stop to smell the flowers
In sync
Be one with all creation
Connect with every scene
Observe, attend so you ascend
The ladder of yaqīn
Lord teach me to fathom
The nature of roots
To reach out and labor
In worthy pursuits
To navigate dirt
And gravitate to
What nourishes life
And percolates through
Let happiness be
In the pursuit of me
You may intend to give
And even make good on it
If that moment you intend
And that moment you give
Are found in the moments
You’re given to live
There’s so much to be grateful for
If only we slow down
To see the blessing wrapped in hues
Of verdant green and brown

If in this expedition you are on You find someone who understands your soul Be sure to heed their thoughts before they’re gone Lest all your heedlessnesses take a toll This understanding comes to those who will Their time toward aligning heart and mind While heeding is a fundamental skill That comes by will and honesty combined Seek knowledge recognizing its effect On knowledge that refines the intellect
The truth doesn’t injure
It only hurts when
A wound long untreated
Finds treatment within
Let the healing begin