Between the stream of tears
And rocky hard terrain
There grows a sapling hopeful
Of mercy in the rain
Tread Softly
There are hearts strewn
Along the mile
Tread softly
Or stand still a while
Free, Absolutely
Diamonds in the river
Silver in the sea
Play of light and water
Absolutely free
Like the queen of Sheeba
Let the darkness flee
Sweet submission sets you
Absolutely free
On Your Way
There’s the journey
And there’s the way
Map your route
Plan your stay
Eat and drink
But break no heart
Cage your tongue
Before you start
Stop a while
Smell the flowers
Let their fragrance
Pass the hours
On your journey
On your way
You were never
Meant to stay
Knowledge, much like chai
Must be brewed well
Before it is poured

I have an idea
That ideas bend
Like light in a prism
And time at the end
Unreasonable at Sunrise
I need no reason
Not one for me to sing
The praises of the One Who makes me
One with everything
Who needs a reason
When all I’ll ever need
Is in the passing season and the
Splitting of a seed

Good Company
In life’s journey, there’s
no companion more faithful
than contentment.
Rise and Shine
Let the dusk wash over me
And plunge me into darkness for
Without is how I am within
It’s not the sun I’m longing for
I long for One Who lets me rise
To soak it in

Be careful the good that you do
Doesn’t find its beginnings in you
Lest you stumble down potholes of sin
As you look up to how good you’ve been