The dawn time silence sings its song
Of one creation all along
The grassy banks and mossy beds
Where yellow rattles toss their heads
Submitting now to witness later
The Sweetnesses of One Creator
On Joy
Let every joy be rooted in
A joy that never dies
That when the former fades away
The latter dries your eyes
Love your country dearly
A love never forgotten
But like all loves, don’t spoil it
For then it becomes rotten
Plan B
I'm not that quick
I'm not that smart
No super skills
No fancy art
But I can sit
And I can wait
For goodness tends
To walk in late
And I can wait
My Lord, how great the sign in every sin
For every sin produces one of two:
A servant humbled by the mess he’s in
Or a wretch preferring darknesses to You
It’s a sign of perfection sublime
To render all things imperfect
As one scene of pleasure
That cools without measure
A heart that is burned by defect

There’s nothing more active
Than listening
Be totally racked if
You miss a thing
To hear, and to question
What’s made out it’s nest in
A brain that’s attracted
To everything
The only one to bow to is One
And if you must know how to become
Unbowing to creation
Then seek that lowly station
Where rivers of humility run
When you think
That you’ve made it
Then something occurs
Reducing your self
In your sight
Know that you
Like all things
Are in the control
Of that One
Indivisible Light
Istighfār is a muscle
That’s often unheeded
So best exercise it
To use it when needed
Inhale shukr
Exhale ṣabr
Repeat until you
Reach the qabr