Lost prejudice,
like a misshapen
jigsaw puzzle piece
that snaps in and
imbues you with
that wafting-petal sensation
of sad, silent beauty.
Be the wind
Be the wind that shakes off leaf
Or be the leaf and fall
Or be the stalwart steady tree
That stands to see it all.
Into it
Reason keeps you out
To follow your heart you must
Just go intuit
Set against the flow of all we bring
But there is no stopping what may spring
From hearts that beat together.
the mass of information
the gravity of knowledge
the weight of intelligence
and the buoyancy of wisdom
Not So Much
Not so much what is written
But how it’s read
Not so much what is spoken
But left unsaid
While the Sun Shines
Yes the sun is still shining
Know the waters are cool
Hey it’s just hay, won’t go away
So dip in your toes, brother fool
Children and War
Fire in the skies
Rubble on your street
Water in your eyes
Washing out deceit
Sweet be your patience
Cloud and rain, breath and brain
One must blow that the other remain
Dusty leaf and pregnant thought
Lost in the cloud your breath has brought
Word and Wind
Word like wind cuts through you
Withers all but true you