The lies we speak,
And the lies we spread:
One kills our souls,
The other keeps them dead.
Get Your Bearings
The amity of land repels
A sea beset by rancor,
Yet there it is to come alive
Upon the stab of anchor.
I hold on to my run
Like the sun, to the treetops.
“You first,” I say.
“You first,” says sun.
I look up.
I’ve won.
Inspired by (and picture courtesy):
I wonder if the wonder I express at all my wondering
Is all the reason needed to explain away my blundering.
The Windy Season
Above a fog of reason,
Beneath a cloud of rhyme,
You’ll find the windy season
Of poetry sublime.
What we wish we could undo
Was meant
To be,
To shape our present,
To fashion an impetus
For what we do next.
Be silent to say a thing,
And listen to explain it.
An audience deaf to silence
Requires mutes to train it.
Before And After
Two halves of a freshly baked bun
Sandwiching your #moment patty.
Savor it, my friend.
Dawntime in the fall:
When beauty spies you
Admiring its bare, silent splendor,
It whispers,
“And you thought you knew me.”
Wisdom is the father of intelligence:
Indulges and disciplines child
Till it rebels and runs away
Leaving him without a say.