You don’t tell your win-thirsty team Right before the championship game That the English and Science and Math’s where it’s at All this winning and losing’s the same You’ve got eleven months to get it right, plan For eleven more once you get through it Let the wave that’s coming break over you man Now’s the right time to get all into it And remember that you Can say what is right And be idiotic even as you do it I know.
Effect and Cause
Act, for if you don’t, my friend You will have missed a chance to act Don’t act to fashion noble end For that is heedless of the fact That consequence is seas of veils Concealing timeless mysteries Of Will Divine that tilts the scales Of justice done by histories
Don’t be afraid
But be in awe
That you can overcome your fears
In awe of One
Bestowing strength
Intent, resolve and hopeful tears
When you reflect on something
Let your sight
Glance upon it
Not collide with it
Squander upon it
In equal parts
“What’s wrong about it?”
“What’s right with it?”
Let your sight not judge
Or fight with it
Leave that part
Up to your heart
For reflection
Holds the weight
Of light
Let your sight
Glance upon it
Not collide with it
Squander upon it
In equal parts
“What’s wrong about it?”
“What’s right with it?”
Let your sight not judge
Or fight with it
Leave that part
Up to your heart
For reflection
Holds the weight
Of light
Holding Fast
To fast on end for forty days
To bring your heart into a state
Then cleanse your mouth to help expel
The odors in your silent breath
And then you learn the Lord was pleased
With what you thought offensive smelled
So off you fast for forty more
Before your conference is held
The prophets don’t just spend their time
They give of it in ways sublime
To bring your heart into a state
Then cleanse your mouth to help expel
The odors in your silent breath
And then you learn the Lord was pleased
With what you thought offensive smelled
So off you fast for forty more
Before your conference is held
The prophets don’t just spend their time
They give of it in ways sublime
Sometimes we get so passionate
To change a thing, so much so we
Forget our selves once we forget
The reason why it came to be:
To change our hearts and change us through
If only we would to leave it to
To change a thing, so much so we
Forget our selves once we forget
The reason why it came to be:
To change our hearts and change us through
If only we would to leave it to
Not For Sale
You can’t take away this soul
Even if you bring me hell
And I couldn’t sell it to you for
It isn’t mine to sell
You can’t take away my home
That is built upon a prayer
Like the call of Lady Āsiya
Extinguishing despair
إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Even if you bring me hell
And I couldn’t sell it to you for
It isn’t mine to sell
You can’t take away my home
That is built upon a prayer
Like the call of Lady Āsiya
Extinguishing despair
إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
In Between
If you’re happy be sad
For this joy will end
If you’re sad be glad
For this grief will mend
Let the ups and the downs
Fashion smiles and frowns
On the length of the arc’s
Where it’s at my friend
For this joy will end
If you’re sad be glad
For this grief will mend
Let the ups and the downs
Fashion smiles and frowns
On the length of the arc’s
Where it’s at my friend
Try as hard as you like
The real treasure will be hid
From tongues that mock
And eyes that gawk
And hands that raise the bid
Posture all you want
But Khalid know the truth will win
The day when tongues
And hands go numb
When eyes see all within
The real treasure will be hid
From tongues that mock
And eyes that gawk
And hands that raise the bid
Posture all you want
But Khalid know the truth will win
The day when tongues
And hands go numb
When eyes see all within
Crests and Troughs
Sometimes it comes with ease
Like snow upon the trees
And everything’s just enough
Sometimes it’s voices rising
Enthralling, appetizing
And everything’s for the nafs
Like snow upon the trees
And everything’s just enough
Sometimes it’s voices rising
Enthralling, appetizing
And everything’s for the nafs