Spare me your chivalry If it means you’ll hold a door open for the lady behind you Only to ogle her as she walks in Spare me your chivalry If it means you’ll help an elder cross the street But only when it doesn’t dent your schedule or go unnoticed Spare me your chivalry If it means you won’t hit a man when he’s down in a brawl But will cheer the cowardly slaughter of fleeing innocents Spare me your chivalry If it means you will let your friend have the last word, well, Only to go home and give your family hell All that chivalrous behavior we exhibit We barter it for attention: To be known To be seen Seen by others but more dangerously By ourselves For nothing is more delicious than worshipping That handsome idol of the self Moulded with the clay we selected so carefully From the river banks of our toadying consciousness Glistening from generous coatings Of the “it feels good to be good” glaze It does feel good to be good And that’s alright But it’s fickle: You see, when we change and grow The idol morphs and scales There is no telling what we’ll change into Yet the idol prevails Let’s turn to the constant deity Who Ever Was Who Ever Will Be If we can serve to ONLY be seen By the One our eyes cannot see Then that may be The truest brand of chivalry Then hang the axe around the neck Of your idol, saying: He did it
his ummah is one body respiring shukr perspiring sabr each part heals that the body may thrive till it reaches its qabr so khalid when you are wracked with a trial turn to your Lord and repent and when you see your brother wracked with a trial turn to your Lord and repent
On Things Promised
The nature of something Promised to you Is: it's given to you as a gift It's reserved for you Well-preserved for you That its transfer to you may be swift And the giver ensures That the gift they are giving Is pure and pristine and intact Untainted by blood Or the cries of the living To whom it was given in fact I guess what I'm trying to say with these words is: Rockets and bullets and gases and booms Of phosphorous white that melts aways skins And bulldozing babies inside sacred wombs And gunning down kids seeking shelter in bins Are proof that the gift you are killing to get Was promised to humans more worthy than you
For Me
For me Everything is for me Nothing is for him or her Or them It’s all for me The sunrise The sunset The rain The drained cup The laughter The anger The tears The cuss words The breath of a baby warming her father’s neck The cold The heat The accident that occurred on my street Or the seven car pile-up three seas away If I know of it It is for me And me alone So when a video makes its rounds Plinking into my notifications Showing a Palestinian man Make his ablution in the freshly fallen water Welled into the worn canvas top of his tent That is for me For me to see And see again For me to ponder For me to feel the salty waves Of helplessness wash over me Then recede Like the shadow of the ‘asr prayer He chased And reached For me
They keep telling us it started on October 7th But a quick search on google reveals It started later Exactly 53 days later On November 29th 1947 That’s when the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 The Partition Resolution You see, they had tried something like this out A few month earlier In British India’s hell And found that it all went Swimmingly well So nothing haphazard here as Iqbal noted There’s more to it than oranges, honey and dates (We’re back to dates) It’s men who think they’re carving out fates With fire and shrapnel of considerable mass Oblivious to the reckoning awaiting them At the hands of very particular angels When that cosmic inversion comes to pass Then all will see: What is, is not What is not, is
That moment you sit down And draw out a plan In the manner and fashion That only you can And you set it in motion With every care While the horrors of poverty Hang in the air Then it all comes together In days, months or years As your furnace is fired by Blood, sweat and tears So you weather the skies Through the blue and the gray Till you taste from the fruit Of your labor one day It is here you must pause And consider my friend With the wealth you have earned From the start to the end All the plans, all the work All the sweat, all the tears All the pain and the sacrifice Over the years Yes ALL that's a transfer Of ownership from Al-Maalik ul-Mulk Testing if you become Worthy steward who spends From the wealth in your care Or a miser with only Destruction to spare
On Cloudless Nights
The first 10 minutes of the concluding session of the Tafsir of Surah Al-Waqiah. Exhausting. My wonderment is captured in this sonnet.
On cloudless nights I look up at the sky A satin canopy with diamonds spread Magnificently to my untrained eye While sailors survey every gem instead As part of something far more beautiful For every star aswim upon its way Is placed to plot a map celestial To make the night a compass for the day Upon this wondrous placement comes an oath A shining star each verse of Word Divine And like a star each verse holds beauty both For minds untrained and minds that diamonds mine Imagine then how preciously they fell Upon the heart of him who knew them well
Gallant and Victorious
Inspired by Shaykh Amin’s khutbah yesterday and Umar Shakur’s moving verse, O Gaza.
Here far away from burning Palestine We find it all so inconvenient To watch our words and walk the blurry line Between the truth and counterfeit dissent Just STOP! Return your gaze to Gaza now That in the face of sure destruction they Conduct a blessed masterclass in how Believers hold their own when skies turn gray The hamd upon their tongues and smiling faces Their salawaat deodorizing fire Janazah prayers in the unbombed spaces The road of taqwa only takes them higher The prophet dug the trench but stood up tall: Believers do not give up when they fall
Palestinian Courage, Honestly
Palestinian courage is a gift A gift from God for the world to see A slice from the ummah of the last Nabi To show us how strong OUR faith could be Had he led us to the Red Sea Salaam upon Musa and the moments he Sought refuge from the ignorant patiently So watch them laugh Watch them cry Watch them live Watch them die Watch them very very closely And like any other gift We had better believe it Is best to feel unworthy As we receive it In the end it’s all a testament to their Nabi Our Nabi SallAllahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
Who Has The Time To Make Up Lies
Who has the time to make up lies Day after day Of having your space invaded Your homes barged into by strangers with guns The best of them leaving you alive after They’re done With their operation, the laughter Mocking your indignities As if each indignity weren’t mockery enough Day after day Rifles shoved in your face That’s a good day The smell of spent cartridges mixes poorly with insults Shoot to cripple! Checkpoints like gates to hell From hell to hell But if you dive, you gain the memory of hitting asphalt As you bleed to death Day after day Of crying at funerals That often become cause for more funerals For some dead may not be mourned, they say Someone said there’s no PTSD beacuse the trauma has no post No post left standing to lean on And then when the infection climaxes in a festering boil It bursts and the pus flows And that pathetic inflammatory response Begets a brand of cowardice only the coward knows So, who has the time to make up lies When they can barely stay alive