The effort’s in your hands
The outcome’s not
The first’s like water
The second’s snot
And out it comes
Slow down
You’re going too slow
You’re going too slow
It’s in your way
Or on your way
Won’t matter once
You’ve gone your way
Unless of course
It is the way
Or on your way
Won’t matter once
You’ve gone your way
Unless of course
It is the way
Stand Up
The stronger the spine
The easier to turn the pages
And the better they align
The easier to turn the pages
And the better they align
You’ve got to have the heart
That knows to wield a hand
That knows to grasp a staff
That knows to firm the sand
Before the sea may part
Not mind over matter
But knowledge over mind
And manners over art
That knows to wield a hand
That knows to grasp a staff
That knows to firm the sand
Before the sea may part
Not mind over matter
But knowledge over mind
And manners over art
You can turn your life around
Do it anytime you want
If you’re dying in a minute
Then that time is somewhere in it
All you have to do is start
With submission in your heart
Don’t obsess about the end
Leave that to the fools my friend
And begin
Do it anytime you want
If you’re dying in a minute
Then that time is somewhere in it
All you have to do is start
With submission in your heart
Don’t obsess about the end
Leave that to the fools my friend
And begin
Respect the sea of knowledge vast and deep
How deep you go entirely depends
Upon how well you’ve learned the skills to keep
Yourself and you from suffering the bends
How deep you go entirely depends
Upon how well you’ve learned the skills to keep
Yourself and you from suffering the bends
Sincerity is oxygen
For the soul
So if it gets rare
Up there, let me ask
That you take some care
To put on your mask
Before assisting the person
Next to you
For the soul
So if it gets rare
Up there, let me ask
That you take some care
To put on your mask
Before assisting the person
Next to you
The soul is your diamond
The rest is glass
The rest is glass
Here’s the river
There’s the boat
If you really
Want to go
You had better
Learn to row
Learn to pull
So you can push
And practice till
You hear no whoosh
Or you could paddle
There’s the boat
If you really
Want to go
You had better
Learn to row
Learn to pull
So you can push
And practice till
You hear no whoosh
Or you could paddle