Knowledge, much like chai
Must be brewed well
Before it is poured

Word, like wind, cuts through you / Withers all but true you
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Knowledge, much like chai
Must be brewed well
Before it is poured
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
I have an idea
That ideas bend
Like light in a prism
And time at the end
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
I need no reason
Not one for me to sing
The praises of the One Who makes me
One with everything
Who needs a reason
When all I’ll ever need
Is in the passing season and the
Splitting of a seed
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
In life’s journey, there’s
no companion more faithful
than contentment.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Let the dusk wash over me
And plunge me into darkness for
Without is how I am within
It’s not the sun I’m longing for
I long for One Who lets me rise
To soak it in
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Be careful the good that you do
Doesn’t find its beginnings in you
Lest you stumble down potholes of sin
As you look up to how good you’ve been
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
The dawn time silence sings its song
Of one creation all along
The grassy banks and mossy beds
Where yellow rattles toss their heads
Submitting now to witness later
The Sweetnesses of One Creator
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Let every joy be rooted in
A joy that never dies
That when the former fades away
The latter dries your eyes
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Love your country dearly
A love never forgotten
But like all loves, don’t spoil it
For then it becomes rotten
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
I'm not that quick
I'm not that smart
No super skills
No fancy art
But I can sit
And I can wait
For goodness tends
To walk in late
And I can wait