October flurries reminding us
we’re not in control
of anything
at all
Words of tots like leaves of trees
Full of color when they fall
Listen, Again
If you think the obvious
May have been stated
Look into why it
Was articulated
But if you detest
To be in the quest
You may have embarked
On a journey ill-fated
Consider now that covenant primordial
From every soul endowed prophetic sight;
They witnessed it as one submission cordial
To flush a heart, and fill a cave, with Light.
A sign
That everything goes
With the highs
And the lows
Till it dies
On the shores
Of time
If time were in your hands, you’d have the power
To alter destinies, and if you sought,
You’d travel a millennium or hour,
Accelerating at the speed of thought.
Consider now the placing of the sun
In one hand, while the other takes the moon;
It’s one way lordship over time is spun:
Balāghah serving waḥy on a spoon.
On Night Time Silence
The silence of the night is loudest when
The sounds of sleep and timber creak are one;
To rise as rebels, wont to fall again
As if their song of rise and fall were done,
For silence is a failure of the mind
To hear what it refuses to let in:
A creature that by nature is defined
In terms of what is absent though met in
The captivating charms of solitude
That free the soul unto the forest lush
With sapling thoughts that spring from soil imbued
With nourishment endowed in waters’ gush.
The silence of the night is soft and mild
When chanced upon the breath of sleeping child.
Sometimes it takes a simple sprain
To reconnect the heart and brain
I make the journey every week
To sit under this tree
That shades me from the burning heat
Of ignorance; I’m free
To breathe the air its leaves exhale,
To hear the rustle sound
That makes its fragrant blossoms sail
In silence to the ground.
Don’t stay down
Hope is a call
That springs from within
It’s voiced by the faith
Of a soul that is in
A struggle for freedom
From falling in sin
It’s okay to fall
But best heed the call
And rise up again