Anger like a cloud, dark and gray
Descends upon a bright and clear day
Let it blow over
Word, like wind, cuts through you / Withers all but true you
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Anger like a cloud, dark and gray
Descends upon a bright and clear day
Let it blow over
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Now knowledge begins with a kay
I wonder if that is to say:
“Be silent to know what you may”
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
All the things I think I get
All the plans I think I laid
All the folks I think I met
All the hands I think I played
Everything feels like a dream
All suspended in the air
I don’t hear it when I scream
I don’t see it when I stare
Then the I-ness of existence
Hits me right between the eyes
It’s the craziest inversion
Of the sum of all my lies
All alone with all my I’s
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
“Go stand behind the guy with the grey hair.”
“That’s gross. Did she actually say that?”
Set my buzzer on the chair right next to me
Among the crumbs where a crumbled someone sat
I meander out of the loyal meter
Of the country-western number playing back.
Egg and cheese on an Asiago bagel
Verse contrived like my Sunday morning snack.
And this light roast blend
Is sure to send
My senses into spiral
With no sobering end.
Fake smiles
Keep them together
Moods change
Like the Chicago weather.
Got to go.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Thank in words
Thank in deeds
Preferably fulfilling needs
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
That you wake up when it matters
Before the alarm goes off
Makes time a matter of mind
If what matters, matters enough
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
I wrote this in honor of a friend of a friend who has entered the last stages of a 10-year long battle with Benson’s syndrome, a visual variant of Alzheimer’s Disease. This is dedicated to all those enduring the many forms of dementia out there. Peace and love.
It doesn’t matter what it is
It doesn’t matter why it’s there
What it’s for or where it goes
Or how it got upon that chair
All that matters is your heart
Playing softly in your chest
Celebrating all you’ve got
You’re so different from the rest
Sweet and sinless is your breath
Drawing circles in my hands
Home is past the stream of death
Where the sun is in the sands
Let the moments come and go
Each a lifetime on it’s own
They don’t matter now, you know
All that matters has been known
Smell the flowers, grab the sky
Hear the laughter, even cry
God is greater than it all
You will get to ask Him why
As will I
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Hope like a drop
Of dew clinging fast
Resolved to outlast
Deceptions of vapor
Well into and past
Just words upon paper
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
A cloud is like the truth
Hangs around for you to see
Ignore it till it drenches you
As rain eventually
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Step lightly as you walk upon
The hallowed floors of knowledge
Knowledge doesn’t give itself up
To heavy soles