Ramadan is almost over. Last night’s Khatm duaa at Darul Qasim reminded me of this old post from 2014.
Word, like wind, cuts through you / Withers all but true you
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Ramadan is almost over. Last night’s Khatm duaa at Darul Qasim reminded me of this old post from 2014.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
I’m all a lie, I tell myself,
When I am all alone,
The second third’s upon me
And my heart is still a stone;
The truths I told were only
To make myself seem good
Surrounded by them, lonely
Inside my hellish wood;
My mouth is parched, my head is
A cloud of hunger and
A host of deprivations
Depriving me as planned;
Then somewhere in the corner
Of my transgressing mind
I find that patient warner
Won’t let me stay behind;
Now him, I know I love,
And him, I long to see
That him I’ll find beside me where
The kauthar waters free
A slave from his own fancy
Through sips of truth and light,
I long to touch my quencher,
I long to find that night;
Forgive this hapless seeker,
O Lord, forgive your slave,
So weak, he can’t be weaker
Than when he’s in his grave.
Allah, forgive your slave.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
My Constant Guest returns to me again
He bears no signs of weariness or sleep
But brings me my provisions in a rain
Of mercy, every drop for me to keep.
Welcome, Ramadan.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Sung to the tune of Scarborough Fair (of course)
Are you ready for Trump’s Muslim camps
Blanket, soap, toothpaste and shampoo
I hear that they will honor food stamps
And American Express too.
Make me a gallon of cardamom tea
Blanket, soap, toothpaste and shampoo
And bring me a slice of your creamiest brie
Soft-ripened and served on a croute.
Tell her to gather some brown paper bags
Blanket, soap, toothpaste and shampoo
And make me a kufi that matches my rags
Dyed in hues of red, white and blue.
Hack me some bandwidth to skype with my fam
Blanket, soap, toothpaste and shampoo
I’ll trade in my access to Amazon Prime
All setup to auto-renew.
Are you ready for Trump’s Muslim camps
Blanket, soap, toothpaste and shampoo
I hear that they will honor food stamps
And American Express too.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Once upon a trump
In an old thick wood
In the hollow of a stump
Where an oak once stood
Lived a colony of ants
And their life was good
And they all got along
As well as they could.
Now every trump
That the rain would fall
They would leave their stump
And those ants would crawl
To a big safe hill
Made of mud and all
And they had no fear
For they had their wall.
Was a great big wall
For it went all round
And it stood quite tall
On the forest ground
And it kept out all
Other creatures bound
For the stump in the middle
That it did surround.
When the rain would stop
All the ants would jump
Out the mud hilltop
To descend with a whump
Then a skip and a hop
To their favorite stump
Wherein they’d abide
In a great big clump.
It happened one trump
That the rain fell long
And the hill came down
Did the ants so wrong
So they went to their stump
For their stump was strong
But the roots of the oak
Came loose like a song
And they all spread out
In many a throng.
They marched to the wall
In different rows
In different ways
As the story goes
Till they all climbed up
As the water rose
Up the wall they wished
Hadn’t touched their toes.
Was a difficult trump
For those ants in pain
Oh to see their stump
Fallen in the rain
In a watery dump
That was hard to drain
So they sat on the wall
And they mourned in vain.
But the sight they saw
Was a beautiful sight
For the wood was green
And the ground was right
And the creatures all
Just seemed to delight
In the dance of the rain
And the song of the night.
What happens next
Only trump will tell.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
It all begins up in the mountains as one gigantic mass of ice. An epic journey spanning an aeon begins with one drop.
Soon, there’s a trickle, abandoning inertia, favoring movement over stillness.
A river goes through a lot.
It lets itself go.
You may think it doesn’t know where it’s going. But it’s running, onward flowing, never looking back, never turning back, never stopping. It picks up a little something from everything it touches.
Because a river knows that everything matters.
A river welcomes other streams. That’s right, it never turns them away, because that is how it grows. And that’s how it flows, gushing down mountains, roaring, crashing, bending, breaking, and falling in its forward-rushing dance.
A river is constant, It stays the course. And its constancy pays off because, in due time, it will cut through the hardest rock. It will slice into the oldest mountain, and it will carve a path for itself.
All in due time.
Onward flowing, only slowing its mad advance when it hits the plains.
A river goes through a lot.
And no matter how many times it crashes and bends and breaks and falls, it does not cease in its flow.
A river just lets itself go.
There are no tears in the life of a river. And that’s by definition.
There is no place for regrets, for second tries, for going back. And that’s by definition.
And all that hard work makes a river thirsty. That’s right, rivers get thirsty too. But it’s a thirst that can only be quenched by something bigger, deeper, wider, something more powerful, more magnificent; something it can consume and be consumed by, at the same time.
And that… is also by definition.
Despite all the crashing, bending, breaking,and falling, a river never stops.
Onward flowing, only slowing down for a meaningful exchange with everything it passes over, crashes into, meanders around, and ultimately drains.
A river nourishes and enriches. And if it takes anything, it does so only that it may give.
Yes, a river gives. That’s how it lives.
And it never stops.
A river moves things, moves people even as it moves itself. It moves ideas, it moves minds.
But there will always be one thing a river can never do.
There is always one thing a river will never do.
A river cannot and will not stop.
And that is by definition.
Now, don’t ever think a river doesn’t know where it’s headed.
It knows exactly where it’s going, and it knows exactly how to get there, because everything that moves is destined for something bigger, deeper, wider, something more powerful, more magnificent.
And that is also in the nature of things that move.
So, are you prepared to move?
Are you ready to meet the ocean that you really are?
Get moving.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
The world is still spinning
Despite all the sinning
Because there are eyes
That we never see
Which know how to weep
And weep to be free,
While hearts steeped in love
Awake in their sleep;
And cordial neighbors
Extend through their labors
Of care and assistance
Across every distance;
Intelligent servants
Who sacrifice winning
To give peace a chance
And keep the world spinning.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
cobwebs in my head
a welcome distraction
know how I dread
the glare of #truth
and burden of #action
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Hope with no plan
Is a plan with no hope
Unless hope IS the plan;
Not a good one, nope.