Dawntime in the fall:
When beauty spies you
Admiring its bare, silent splendor,
It whispers,
“And you thought you knew me.”
Wisdom is the father of intelligence:
Indulges and disciplines child
Till it rebels and runs away
Leaving him without a say.
You can help
By keeping out of the way,
But vanity is to stand out
While doing so,
Like a pinky tilted up
At afternoon tea.
Lukey, Slurp!
Lukey, slurp!
Lukey, nibble!
Lukey, burp!
Lukey, dribble!
Slurping, nibbling,
Burping, dribbling,
Doings of my
Youngest sibling.
Daisy Muzaffer Susannah the Third
Have you ever heard of that fine hummingbird,
Miss Daisy Muzaffer Susannah the Third,
She hummed and she minged, oh the joy that she bringed
To the tulips that smiled and the bluebells that ringed.
Goose, Gone
Stuff your mouth, bulge your cheeks,
Fly down south for sixteen weeks.
Old Dame Rehmet
Old Dame Rehmet weaved a tale
Like no one in her time,
With flying turnips, itching queens
And demons speaking rhyme,
She told them all in different voices
And the wildest costume choices.
Bubba Brickle
Bubba Brickle liked to tickle
Little children’s toes,
They socked his eye and made him cry
Till snot ran out his nose.
Fishing For Pike
Gulls swoop.
Dodge poop.
Fish bite;
All right!
Pike soup for dinner tonight.
Come again
It’s wet,
It’s sweat.
It’s not;
It’s snot.