Was from the most curious of jobs:
He hunted cockroaches, and shaped from them brooches
That ladies emblazoned upon their hijaabs.
Word, like wind, cuts through you / Withers all but true you
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Light me a chulha
For my handsome dulha;
I made him hot chai
But he prefers it coolah.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Every so often I take off my glasses
And reach for a scrap that is clean,
I polish one lens, and then do the other,
And wonder how dirty they’ve been.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Make me an omelette covered in cheese,
Green peppers, black olives and cream, if you please.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Respectable Gus Nibble Gnawsom
Apparels in manner quite awesome;
His trousers of cotton are properly starched
With shirt neatly pressed, and epaulettes arched,
And tan leather boots whose ebony laces
Would help Gnawsom get into elegant places;
His coat lined with taffeta, cuff links of bronze
Do help him to forge the most friendly of bonds;
Apparel that brightens the bearing of Gus,
There never was more handsome a gentlemouse.
Note: It would be most gnawsome to pronounce it gentle-mus, evidenced by the last couplet.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Rosy Mariam Redhijab
Loves to eat corn on the cob,
She likes it with butter, she loves it with salt,
And washes it down with a butterscotch malt.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Don Dalrymple had a dimple
In his little chin;
You hardly ever saw it ‘cept
When Dalrymple would grin.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Snaps his fingers, taps his toes,
To the bathroom Johnny goes.
Khalid Mukhtar · ·
Good old formidable Samuel Bass
Drank like a fish and ate like an ass,
The secret of his most formidable mass
Was how he kept to himself all of his gas.
Gas has no mass unless you’re an ass
Like good old formidable Samuel Bass.